Thursday, January 3, 2013

Local Crops

As we walked our paths, we discovered more about the village and rural life here in the delta regions of Kerela.  Many of the local folks grow coconuts in their yards.  It is the main forest tree around here.  In decades past, this area was more predominantly a rice growing region, but that has changed.  The coconuts are harvested, then split open and removed from the outer husks.  The husks will be used for coir productio, mostly for rope and fibre matting.

The inner meat and skin of the coconut are split into halves and dried in the sun.  Once dried, the coconut, now called copra, is sold to a local buyer.  It will be shipped to a processing plant and made into coconut oil.  This is solid and reliable source of income for the locals.  Coconuts, rice and fishing are the mainstays here.

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