Sunday, December 23, 2012

Into the Ghat

The GE and I have left the coast and traveled inland and up into the Western Ghat, the spine of mountains that separate the interior of Tamil Nadu from the coastal region of Kerela.  We survived two bus rides and a fabulous Thali lunch to arrive in the town of Palakkad.  The second bus, the Teal Blue terror, was driven by a man who was fully in touch with the transitory nature of existence and fully prepared to die for the opportunity to pass another vehicle.  But no matter.

We are staying in palatial luxury, touring the local 17th century fort and dabbling in the local cultural festival.  We are the complete other.  we have not seen a single foreigner in this town.  People stop their motorcycles to ask us our name and practice their English.  Everyone is very pleased to find out that we are Americans, followed by the single phrase "Obama!" and a big smile.  Indeed, Obama's re-election continues to improve the US standing amongst the peoples of the world, regardless of its importance or lack of in the United States.

Wifi remains a problem here, which is a surprise.  Whenever we find it again there will be photos from several posts that I have written but been unable to send.

And for those of you giving me crap about checking a bag, it was the dulcet tones of the British Airways person, lulling me into visions of traipsing through Heathrow unencumbered.  The reality of being unemcumbered was realized, but at a price.  So, yes, I messed up.  It was, however, a story that will become epic and fondly remembered, so there.

Namaste and ciao for now.  The Kid and I are heading out into the mountains for either a homestay or trekking in Parambikluam National park.  Things will be quiet from our end until we reemerge from the Ghat.

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