Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Journey can now begin

If you are planning a journey to the Subcontinent, my advice would be to start the process of aquiring your visa as soon as possible.  The government of India, in their infinite bureaucratic wisdom, has outsourced the tourist visa acquisition process to a firm called Travisa Outsourcing.

Another name for this fine group of folks is "We-will-make-your-life-hell-on-earth-and-we-do-not-care."

After coming to the horrible conclusion that I might have to cancel the trip and plead for mercy from the airlines for a refund, the visas finally came through.

So:  The Reverend and The Genetic Envelope are soon to depart for India.  Specifically Southern India, to the province of Kerala on the Indian Ocean.

Stay tuned as we travel to the destination picked solely by the Genetic Envelope.  The beauty is that if anything goes wrong (and something always does Friends and Neighbors) I can blame it all on him.

Stay tuned, departure approaches!

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